What We Do

The work we do, transforms business cultures, internal customer experience and sometimes even job markets.

The work we do, transforms business cultures, internal customer experience and sometimes even job markets. We deep dive to design a complete package from identity to expression across multiple touchpoint and how that influences the “employment” experience, engagement and performance.
The service we offer is to establish a unified vision and architecture to build impeccable branded moments.

Why we’re different

Éclat focuses on Human Asset Management, the most valuable asset in an organization. Employees keep the brand alive with their talent, passion and performance. As companies thrive to differentiate themselves by offering innovative products and exceptional customer experience, they tend to focus on processes and end to end approaches whilst putting aside one of the key contributor; their people. Leading customer experience, products and services are in place because there are people in the organisation who think of them, create them, digest and execute them with proper measures.

People make things happen, if they are engaged and committed to what the organization is offering, not only to the customers but also to the employees themselves. Having a well structured Employer Value Proposition is core to the Employer Branding strategy that makes a statement about the organisation’s persona and it values, and this needs to be incorporated in every aspect of the employee experience. Attracting talent, keeping them motivated and engaged are the critical success factors in current global market.

top 10 busıness trends that will drıve success ın 2016

#6. Leaders Will Invest In A Corporate Culture Of Customer Service To Grow Revenue



by 2017, 50% of consumer product ınvestments wıll be on customer experıence ınnovatıons because of hypercompetıtıon & customer empowerment.



If you look after your ınternal customer (employees) you don’t have to worry about the external customers



Éclat way of doing business

Strong brands make promises to their customers through their Value Proposition. It is critical that the key distinctive elements that differentiate a brand are mirrored in its internal behaviours as well.

Future Objectives

We can work holistically going from HR touchpoint mapping to EVP creation, or we can support your organization with specialised services such as messaging strategies and Key Initiative Launches.


Co-creation is essential in our approach. This may include survey with employees or it may be small intimate workshops with the management team.


We can offer a complete creative package from positioning to expression across touch points and how that influences the employment experience and engagement. Or we can help with specific challenges to address a more targeted business requirement.


We can offer on-site consultancy during deployment phase to ensure the ROI. The consultancy may include trainings, assessment of the team to bridge the gap for future success and to create sustainable performance.